Join Rotary
What you need to know.Who are you joining?
We solve real problems through real commitment and vision. Rotarians are innovative, passionate, energetic, generous and intelligent people who create sustainable projects that improve our communities at home and abroad. From literacy and peace to water and health, this global network of over 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers are always working to better our world.
At Boulder Rotary Club, our mission is clear:
Benefits of BRC Membership
- Build friendships and community relationships
- Meet cool, new people, sharing inspirational ideas
- Connect with the core of Boulder
- Work with fabulous, like-minded people addressing community needs
- Network with engagement
- Learn something every week through cutting-edge, interesting programs
- Accomplish wonderful service through local, national and global community projects
- Enjoy weekly, catered Friday lunch
- Enjoy spacious, technologically sophisticated meeting venue
The Process:
Joining the Boulder Rotary Club is an easy process. We always suggest attending a BRC meeting or two before submitting your paperwork, but once you’re ready to join, a few things are required:
1) Find a sponsor, and work with him/her to complete and date your proposal with all required signature.
2) Provide a 200-word bio to the club.
3) Once you are proposed for membership, your proposal will be approved by the board of directors for review by the club.
4) Once the club reviews your announced proposal over the course of three weeks, you attend an upcoming meeting.
5) At the meeting, you get your Red Badge and become a member of the Boulder Rotary Club.
Download the application to start the membership process:
Ready to apply for membership?
Click the button to download the Boulder Rotary Club membership application.